Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge – Red Flowers

Field of red "buttercup" Anemone flowers on hillside in Israel
Field of red “buttercup” Anemone flowers on hillside in Israel

In an effort to “lighten up”

and have more “fun“,

RED Flower photo was captured

on a hillside looking towards Nazareth in

Israel on my first trip 2011.

As is my nature, went looking for the

name Anemone in Hebrew.

Found “Anem”two fountains.

A town in Issachar. Scripture (1Chron6:73) noted.

Yep, “…and Anem with it’s pasturelands.” 1Chron6:73

Anem – Hebrew Word #6046 – Anem (aw-name’)

meaning “two fountains”

from root Word #5869

(I love looking for the “Root” word!)

#5869 – “ayin” (ay-yin) definition:

analogy a fountain (as the eye of the landscape).


Hebrew 3 letters root pictures are:

Ayin for eye;

Yood for closed hand or “work”; (Generally refers to God’s hand)

Noon for fish or “life activity”.

In the context speaking to my heart –

The eye to see, the work of God’s, life activity!

Beautiful RED Anemone flowers!


Double fountain – seeing with my eyes

and believing in my heart,

“And God said, Let the earth

sprout vegetation, plants, yielding seed…

and God saw that it was good.”

Genesis 1:11-12 ESV

Thank you Cee’s Foto Challenge.

This was “good!”



To see more of the Hebrew Word Pictures

go to the Menu bar “Hebrew Alphabet” chart.





In a word…haste


“The freedom of

Christmas vacation.

Suspended between

Activity and Haste.”



“For you shall not

Go out in haste,

And you shall not go

In flight,

For the LORD will go

Before you,

And the

God of Israel

Will be your

Rear guard.”

Isaiah 52:12


Haste – protection from the mouth of the enemy.

 Life truth: “The LORD is on my side;

I will not fear.

What can man do to me?”

(and that includes my busy self!) 

Psalm 118:6 NKJV


blessings from,

denise and my “yea! Mom’s going outside 

for a walk this morning!!” Abby:)

Dead Sea – the road by which I went.

Sea shows color of itself from this angle.

Journal Entry: 2/22/11 – Dead Sea, Israel

1:30 p.m. 24 degrees C or 75.5 degrees F

“Warm sunshine;

We’ve just eaten lunch.”

Sweet kitty looking for food from traveling pilgrims and visitors to the park.
Sweet kitty looking for food from traveling pilgrims and visitors.
Tom cat claiming his "turf".
Tom cat claiming his “turf”.
We have enough time to walk down to the Sea.
We have enough time to walk down to the Sea.

“School children are on tours

and they are spilled all over the park.”

Walking the path down leading to the Sea.
Walking the path down leading to the Sea.
Beach is small and rocky.
Beach is small and rocky.
Traveling companions floating. Not much "swimming" going on; just floating!
Traveling companions floating. Not much “swimming” going on; just floating!
Our guide cautioned us NOT to get the Dead Sea water into our mouths or eyes.
Our guide cautioned us NOT to get the Dead Sea water into our mouths or eyes.
Exfoliate – feels like an “oil” base.
Exfoliate – feels like an “oil” base.

“The skin on my hand has the feeling

of softness.  Ladies are paying top dollar

for this treatment back in New York!”

I brought "baggies" 9000 miles to collect sea salt.
I brought “baggies” 9000 miles to collect sea salt.
Looking back towards the wilderness of En Gedi. King David would have stayed in this area when he was fleeing King Saul. 1 Samuel 24:1-22
Looking back towards the wilderness of En Gedi. King David would have stayed in this area when he was fleeing from King Saul. 1 Samuel 24:1-22
Neat to see myself. I was writing in my "journal" these notes.
Neat to see myself. I was writing in my “journal” these notes.

Next travel stop,

climbing the hillside caves

of the Dead Sea Scrolls.

“Set up road markers for yourself;

Make yourself guidepost;

Consider well the highway,

The road by which you went.”

Jeremiah 31:21 (ESV)


Holiday’s best dress

Rainy Sunday

“I did nothing today,
I’m happy to say,
Except listen to
The cold rain outside.

I did take a nap
To fill in the gap,
Which I found
A most pleasant

While friends go
Pulling all down
Of Holiday’s dress
At its best.

The cat, dog and me
Enjoyed time quite free
By the glow of the
In our nest.”

PS: My first attempt to post a
“Thought” or “poem”
Using a new tablet Christmas gift,
On WordPress while sitting on my
Favorite spot on the couch.
(I guess I should have included
A photo or two of my lounging pets:)
I am feeling pretty successful!!

Where “Bitter” does go

Present day olive tree in Garden of Gethsemane which means "pressed".
Present day olive tree in Garden of Gethsemane
which means “pressed”

“The Teacher is calling you,


Mary, oh Mary,

What’s in your name?

Your sister Martha

Was no prettier,


The Teacher is

Calling your



Come closer,

My dear one,


Choose now to sit

At My feet.

Sweet bread and

Dainties, I’ll deliver,

As you listen to

My Words I now speak.


I know of your

Hidden frustration.

The pain you store

Deep inside.

The longing of your heart

For something sweeter,


I know all these places



Lay your head on

My shoulder;

Curl up,

by My side.

Your razor

Sharp edges

Won’t cut,

Your temper

Doesn’t catch

My surprise.


Listen dear,


To My heart.

Let your tears

Of frustration

Freely flow.

I’ll catch each one

In My bottle,

And store them

Where bitter does go.


Hear Me now,

dear daughter,

“No longer will I call

You “Bitter”,

For your Precious

And dear to My heart.

I’ll bring you back with

The joy of gladness,

To the land where

We first


Our start.


Freshness of dew

For your spirit;

My love will

Wash over you.

The Valley of tears

You’ll not wander,

Forgetting the pain of

Your youth.

You’ll lay down

Your head in

Green pastures.

Drinking freely

From the cup of

My side.

In beauty of


I’ll anoint you,

At My feet




Prayer garden in the Garden of Gethsemane, Israel
Prayer garden in the
Garden of Gethsemane, Israel

“Martha welcomed Him into

Her house. And she had a sister

Called Mary, who sat

At the Lord’s feet and listened

To His teaching.” Luke 10:38


“Marah” – means “bitter” – (Mem, Reysh, Hey)

 – Chaos in man’s head not to see His Grace. 


Life truth:

Let “bitter” go,

and “behold” the beauty of His Grace.

Grace – undeserved, unmerited favor.



Poem by denisebalog

What I wanted for Christmas

2015-12-25 Christmas

“If you asked me

What I wanted

For Christmas.

I could easily

Tell you of mine.

It doesn’t come

On an UPS truck,

Or ship via

Amazon Prime.


No need for a

Plug in or


A password

And upload

Won’t do.

The desire of my

Heart for this


(and daily delight

be it told),

Is the joy of


In Your Scriptures.

Listening to

Your voice in

Your Word.”

Poem by denisebalog


“For where your treasure is,

There your heart will be also.”

Matthew 6:21 (ESV)



“Darken cave was

brought to Light

on a hillside’s

rocky flight.

Mary’s donkey

by her side,

heard the first

new baby’s cry.

Shepherd’s flocks

drawing near,


The King is here!”

Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea

in the days of Herod the king,

behold, wise men from the east

came to Jerusalem, saying,

Where is he who has been born

king of the Jews?” Matthew 2:1-2 (ESV

View from Herod’s palace towards Bethlehem, located approximately 5 miles from Jerusalem.
View from Herod’s palace towards Bethlehem, located approximately 5 miles from Jerusalem.

poem by denisebalog

Merry Christmas and 

God bless:) 



Warm Fleecy Pajamas

Warming off

After a full day of activities,

and wearing

warm fleecy pajamas,

on P.J. day at school,

(as we were preparing to

pack up to leave for the year),

the principal’s granddaughter

stepping outside

into the cool of the air


“Mimi, I’m “warming off!”

“Mimi, I’m warming off!” 


Mrs. J. and I 


Thought about what

Rainee said, and

“giggled with joy”

as children!


I am always amazed

at a child’s “point of view!”

Reminding me once again,

of Jesus’ words to

“become like children.” Matthew 18:2


God’s view doesn’t see things the way we do.

Who’s to say she’s not “warming off?”

When you think about,

Isn’t that what she’s really doing?

I feel better now!
I feel better now!


“For MY thoughts are not your


Neither are your ways

My ways,

Declares the LORD”

Isaiah 55:8 (ESV)

But there is a Friend…

The Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem
The Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem

“But there is a friend Who sticks closer

than a brother.” Proverbs 18:24 (ESV)

  • Jesus, the window in your heart.


“I AM the Light of the world. 

Whoever follows Me will not walk in darkness,

but will have the Light of life.”

John 8:12 (ESV)

Christmas Sticky Buns

This is for my fellow neighbor and friend, Marcey’s Table Marcey’s Table  Marcey I am amazed how you do this posting everyday! Go girl! 

Tonight, I am forcing myself to type, as if I had my pencil in hand, and post my traditional Christmas Sticky Bun recipe. The photos were taken several months ago, there’s that organized and be prepared girl in me. 

The whole bread thing takes about 4 hours from start to finish. So, in case anyone else wants to give this a try, it is really easy! “Can’t go wrong with flour, sugar, butter and yeast” as my husband Ron tells me all the time. By the way, he is the one who taught me how to bake when we started this life journey 34 years ago. Follow the pictures, 1, 2, 3…

Dough reciepe

Yep, this is the recipe I wrote down years ago. I pull it out and use it every time. (PS: on the paper you will see 1/4 cup of sugar instead of the 1/2. This is for the French Bread) 


These are the ingredients for you to see “visually”.

You can use regular flour. My husband is the one who does most of the food shopping, and being an electrical engineer is very detailed, (I have learned to live with it, and he does the shopping) so that is why the specific “bread” flour. No worries, just pick a flour. 

I start by running hot water in the big bowl. I then empty the water, and add fairly warm to hot to touch 2 cups of water into the bowl. Then I add the 1/4 cup of yeast, or if you are using the little packets – 3 packets. It is ok to use a little more. Not going to hurt a thing. No stress bread remember.

Then I take a metal hand whip or fork and mix the yeast up. It will begin to foam. Remember, the yeast is the “living’ item that bring “life” to the bread. So respect it by not trying to add everything all at once. You don’t want to “drown the miller” as we say in our house. The “miller” is the guy who ground the flour at the mill.

So now you have your yeast mixing, foaming up, begin to add 1 Tablespoon of sugar to the yeast; 2 Tablespoons of salt. Next, begin to put one of the two eggs in at a time. And then add the 1/2 cup sugar. (Yes, this in addition to the 1 tablespoon you added when you started. That tablespoon helped the living yeast to get started or wake up. Kinda like a cup of coffee with sugar in the morning)

Mixing, mixing, now begin add the flour. As you are adding the flour, to the yeast mixture and flour starts to get drier, begin to add the prepared ahead or (opps, make it quick) 1 quart or 4 cups of warm milk with the stick of butter melted. I use the microwave for this. If you don’t have 4 cups of milk, use 2 milk, 2 water. Remember, no stress bread. The milk makes it heavier and richer. Water will make it dry like french bread.

Ok, you are almost there…adding, adding. I switched to a wooden spoon for mixing.  Once you have all the ingredients added, it is now time to turn the bread mixture out on the CLEAN counter or large “bread” cutting board.

Here comes your work out for the day. Start kneading the dough. If the day is clear and dry, it is pretty easy. If the day is rainy, and moist, it may take an extra bit of flour on the surface so it will not stick. Kneading, kneading, the dough feels good to touch. Not to dry, not to moist. Remember, No stress bread...you can’t go wrong…when you think you have it..remember it’s living, so do not over knead…

Now here comes the fun…put the dough in a large clean buttered bowl. I would wash the bowl you mixed the bread in, and butter it so the bread doesn’t stick while it rises.


Place on the warm 200 degrees stove, and cover.  (I like to warm my kitchen up a bit when baking on a cold day. The dough rises faster in a warm kitchen than a cold kitchen) You can even use an older pillow case if you are not prepared for covering bread. They use to use the flour sacks before fancy cooking stores and such. 


While the bread is rising, takes about 30 to 40 minutes. I clean up my mess and prepare the “sticky” for the “sticky” buns. 


One stick of butter, about one cup of brown sugar, one cup of Karo or white syrup. I don’t measure. Melt the butter, stirring, add the brown sugar (dark or light), melting, then add the Karo. Done!  Butter and dust the pie pans. (see in the back there)  Then while the mixture is hot, I pour evenly in the pans. Can be any shape pan if you don’t have round. Your family won’t care…these are too good to care. 


I like to place the pecan upside down, because when you turn the stickies out of the pan, they will be right side up.


Once the bread has risen, (see photo up above) start by breaking off nice size piece and roll it out on the CLEAN counter top. Smooth some brown sugar on it, then dust with cinnamon, add raisins and pecans. My family likes the “white” raisins. You can use dark, you can use cranberries, anything your heart desires or your cupboards has in dry fruit. No stress.


Roll the dough up, starting at one end and then cut into 1″ to 1- 1/2″ pieces. I use a board to cut on so I don’t cut my counter. Place pieces, usually try to get 6 to 7 in a pan. They are going to rise quickly again and fill the pan.


Place them on the warm stove to rise the second time and cover. You can see, I have made some rolls and that is a loaf of bread in the rectangular pan. You cannot go wrong with what pan you use.

You are almost done..remember, I said starting out, it takes about 4 hours from start to completely clean up, and take a nap. 

I let the bread begin to rise again, then I turn the oven up to 400 degrees.  Once the bread is the height I like to see, it’s time to bake for 20 minutes. The brown sugar and Karo, as the stickies bake in the oven, is going to bubble up around the sides of the pan. I have learned the hard way, to put an old, as flat as I can find, cookie sheet on the bottom rack to catch any overflow. This way you won’t have to deal with smoking sugar on the bottom of the oven. (I learned the hard way of course!)

When the stickies are done, 18 to 20 minutes at 400 degrees, pull out of oven and turn IMMEDIATELY on to a plate or prepared, double layer, covered with tin foil paper plates. If you don’t turn them over IMMEDIATELY you WILL NOT GET THEM OUT OF A COOL PAN!! 



DSCN1445Now you family will begin to rush to the kitchen as the fragrance fills the air.


Accolades will begin, and the children who have been hiding out in their rooms will flock to your side and wonder at the beauty of what is appearing before their eyes! 

My family and I enjoy these for our Christmas morning snack as we open our gifts. There is always enough to send one to your favorite neighbor or loved one for their Christmas morning too. I hope you have enjoyed, this no prepare, no stress blog on our Traditional Christmas Sticky Buns. God Bless and Merry Christmas from our house to yours! denise & family

“Blessed shall be your basket and your kneading bowl.” Deuteronomy 28:5


The Pondering of the Heart

2015-12-22 Heart Ponder

Asking God to

“stir my heart to the plans

He has for my life,”

I woke thinking about Mary.

“But Mary treasured up all these things,

pondering them in her heart.” Luke 2:19 (ESV)


Hebrew for “heart” is  the three letter word– lebab (lay-bawb)

Lamed – 

Lamed - #12 Word picture - Staff or Rod Shepherd, to learn, to accompany, Instruction, authority.
Lamed – 12th letter in the Hebrew alphabet
Word picture – Staff or Rod
Shepherd, to learn, to accompany,
Instruction, authority.


Bet - 2nd letter in the Hebrew alphabet Picture of a "tent or house" Within, heart, begin to, build, family.
Bet – 2nd letter in the Hebrew alphabet
Picture of a “tent or house”
Within, heart, begin to,
build, family.

Bet – 

Bet - 2nd letter in the Hebrew alphabet Picture of a "tent or house" Within, heart, begin to, build, family.
Bet – 2nd letter in the Hebrew alphabet
Picture of a “tent or house”
Within, heart, begin to,
build, family.


Rolling the word pictures around,

as peppermint on my tongue,




bright as the angels


God’s glory,


The Shepherd’s, Heart, in my Heart!


Like Mary, who pondered

the joy and words of the shepherds

 who came looking for Jesus,

I too am treasuring

His stirring of the heart.


The Shepherd,

Whose heart is for me,

Lives within me.


His blessings,

Plans, and

Light into my

Heart and life!


“And the angel said,

‘Fear not, for behold,

I bring you good news

Of great joy that will

Be for all the people.”

Luke 2:10 (ESV)



“Receive instruction from His mouth,

And layup His Words in your heart.”

Job 22:22 (ESV)

Mosaic "hearts" found in Jerusalem
Mosaic “hearts” found in Jerusalem.
l i g h t room

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